According to career change statistics, the average person will change careers 5 to 7 times during their working years.
This means you need to become well versed in what to consider and focus on when thinking about changing careers.
There are so many resources that can help you but I decided to provide a few insights that I feel could really give you an edge over the competition.
After three decades in the trenches helping tens of thousands of people, I’ve noticed a few patterns that often tripped people up and cause them to lose sight of their long term goals.
I will give you a quick overview below but The Job Hunt Ninja Insights Audio Training goes over them in detail.
#1 – Is There A Good Fit
I cannot tell you how many times I have watched people take jobs for the money and literally within months, they will be looking for another job.
The most common response revolves around “not fitting in” with the culture of the company. There were always some personality conflicts. Not that it was bad but sometimes money cannot replace a toxic environment.
It’s critical to your long term success to identify which fit aligns with your goals and values. Then evaluate a company based on that.
#2 – The Recipe and Process
This is an interesting topic because it will cause you to recall and question a lot of past decisions.
When you better understand the recipe and appreciate the process of changing careers it becomes fun and exciting. Yes, I know it can be stressful but why does it have to be?
I cannot tell you how many times I have explained this concept and literally within minutes people will begin to realize that they were on the right track but got detailed by their own efforts.
This step has saved my impatient butt many times and I am grateful for it!
#3 – The Stage
This is probably one of the most overlooked areas when changing careers. When you know what the stage is and how to use it you will be shocked.
I remember getting a ton of questions about staging (using this term for a reason) and when I tried to explain it people never really got it.
Then I made a connection to something they were aware of and I saw the “ah ha” and “light bulb” go off in their head.
Just think of a stage and then what do you do with a stage? You perform right? You decorate the stage for the performance.
Now imagine if you did that for you! Don’t worry, I explain this in the FREE Job Hunt Insights Audio Training.
#4 – Get Back To Basics
You ever notice no matter how much math you learn you always use the basics (e.g., adding, multiplying, subtraction, division)?
When changing careers there are certain basics you need to brush up on or just learn in order to succeed in making the transition.
It’s not what you think though. It is very simple yet profound.
The basics change with each industry and role you have. No! We are not talking about transferable skills. This is something completely different.
In your field of expertise, you should have mastered the basics. You will know if this is true when others seek you out to help them with their problems.
#5 – The Marketing Document
Everything comes together with your document. You know your best fit(s), you better understand the recipe and process, you know how to stage, and can clearly identify the basics that will serve you well. It’s time to put it all together.
Most people call this a resume but it’s more than that. If you honestly think just slapping some words on a paper and sending it out is good enough, you will be pleasantly surprised by the responses you get!
You will learn the #1 mistake you could be making that prevents employers from contacting you for job interviews. It’s so simple and I can recall making this mistake myself early on in my career. I can’t believe I got jobs without knowing this tidbit of information.
Once you hear it, you will shake your head in disbelief and wonder why no one ever told you!
#6 – Degree or Not To Degree
Let me state up front that I have two degrees and would not trade that experience for anything. I learned so much while in college. However, that does not mean you need a degree.
With this topic, I had to create a video to actually show you what I am talking about. People often have a very difficult time accepting this truth.
There are ways to get around a degree for a lot of jobs and industries. You just have to know the language to speak in order to get in the door for an interview.
Look, if anyone tells you there is a secret to changing careers, they are lying to you to get your money. There are no secrets, just things you may not fully know or understand. If you take the time to delve a little deeper you will see how all of this stuff works.
That’s not to say it’s easy but it is doable and you can transition to your new career, get a pay increase, and possibly reduce your stress levels too!
If you feel you need to gain more insight into changing careers check out the FREE Job Hunt Ninja Insights Audio Training today!
Until net time you take care, be safe, and stay blessed!
The Job Hunt Ninja