My name is Shawn “The Job Hunt Ninja” Nelson. My early challenges in school helped me to transform my life to positively impact the lives of thousands of people around the world.
I was able to weather the tumultuous storms of life and turn what would normally be negative experiences into positive learning experiences.
It is my ability to see the good in everything that has allowed me to identify patterns that most people overlook that could benefit them.
I have a Bachelor’s in Human Services and a Masters in Administration from Metropolitan College of New York. I also have over 35-years experience helping various at-risk populations to improve their standard of living by learning the ins and outs of obtaining a job.
In addition, I have 25-years as a Technology Instructor, 12-years teaching at various colleges in NYC, over 17-years experience in Internet Marketing, and 15-years as a Career Coach and Advisor.
Throughout this journey, my focus has always been on helping people to achieve their personal, professional, career and educational goals.
Here are some of my most requested career and personal development training’s:
- How to handle failure by playing to your strengths – this is a great topic for individuals who feel stuck and need to get past obstacles that seem impossible to overcome.
- How to get a job when you have no experience – specifically designed for people either new to the world of work or those returning who need to effectively demonstrate the knowledge and skills they bring to the table that is often overlooked.
- How to get a job when you have been out of work for a while – there are very specific strategies one must use to overcome this barrier and to present the best you to an employer to get a job.
- How to get a job fresh out of college – whether the economy has tanked or not you will have to find a job. There are a few things you can do to get employers to contact you. It’s not as difficult as you may think even though you might have sent out hundreds of resume with no response.
- How to get a mini interview on the spot – with the advent of online applications and assessments people often forget that the human factor is still prevalent in the process although only on the tail end. I show you how to make it happen on the front end to increase the likelihood that you get noticed.
- How to answer any interview question – coming up with your unique answer to interview questions is easier than you think. Using a simple framework, you will never stumble for answers again and you will not sound like everyone else.
- How to ace a job interview – there is process I walk people through that gets them mentally prepared to tackle the job interview process. It’s simple yet very effective and can mean the difference between getting hired or not.
- How to create an effective resume – your resume represents you when you are not there. Done right and it will do its job. Done wrong and you get no phone calls or very little. I show you how to get employers to contact you using a simple process that explains what is needed to create an effective resume. And much, much more
It is my hope that if you take my trainings, participate in my webinars or use any of my services, you will walk away prepared, inspired, and ready to tackle the challenges and obstacles that prevent you from improving your life and reaching your career goals.